The Cosatto Supa Pushchair is the newest addition to our household: We've finally bitten the bullet, we've packed away our travel system in favor of a smaller, more dinky car friendly pushchair. It's a baby product that is unlike anything I've had before - but it's definitely become a firm favorite over this past weekend. Cosatto is a brand I've never used before, so to say I was apprehensive initially is an understatement - I've gone through three different Silver Cross systems since Harrison was born, and never thought I would stray from that brand, but even I couldn't resist the classic Cosatto colours. I was extremely specific in what I was looking for in a stroller, but on first impressions, the Supa Stroller seems to have hit a good few of the marks.
Tuesday, 27 June 2017
Monday, 26 June 2017
Get Over Yourself And Get In The Damn Picture
There are very few pictures of myself and Harrison. I realised this only when I was asked for full-color photos of the two of us for a feature in a magazine this month, I was so excited to be able to share the story, that it never even crossed my mind that I might not have the images needed to go with the story. There was no intricate specification, it was just to be a picture of myself and my baby hours, days, or even weeks after birth - a month or so at a push. I have one - a shoddy crop saved from snapchat and covered with a filter. My hair is all over the place, the only thing on my face is sweat and I'm fairly sure there is placenta juice visible on the bed, and yet, it will probably be one of my most valued pictures. It shouldn't have to be though, at no point should I have to cling on to an image clouded by placenta juice to mark my presence in my baby's life. I can count on hand the number of pictures taken of the two of us in the last 8 months - need two hands if I'm including the ones taken by myself using a self-timer, but even at that, 10 photos over 8 months is very little.
Sunday, 18 June 2017
How We Transformed Our Kitchen For Less Than £950

How To Cope With A Sick Baby When You're Sick
First came the runny nose, the sniffles and the nap time resistance. Next came the lack of appetite and the cough, and before long, my 7 month old baby was loaded with the cold. We'd been fighting the inevitable since starting our nursery drop in days, but after his first full week in the breeding ground of infections that is child care, my child got sick. They say when it rains, it pours, and never before has it been so true. There can be nothing worse than having a sick child, well, other than having a sick child when you yourself are also sick. It should be a nation wide rule that those of us who have to keep little humans alive cannot get sick, but alas, it is not, and get sick is exactly what I did this month.
There is More To Interiors Than Ikea? | A Bo Concept Wishlist
When we were moving house, I spent hours on Pinterest looking for ideas. I had a strong image in my head of what I wanted and I found it extremely difficult to find the items because of this. Before long, I reverted to my old favorite, Ikea. It's extremely cheap, near impossible to build and everyone in the world seems to have the same items, but it was exactly what I was looking for. If you look at my house now, 80% of the furniture in every room is from the Swedish haven - it's saved us a lot of money, and the ridiculously cheap price-tag means most of it is very minimal, which is exactly what I was looking for in the first place. Only now, with everything assembled and in place, can I now see whats missing. Colour, quality, something special. Sometimes, you really do need to venture further than Ikea to really complete a room - and that's exactly what I've been doing.
Monday, 12 June 2017
To Take Good Pictures, We Need Good Vision | Healthy Eyes With Leightons
The most valuable tool in a photographer’s arsenal is not the camera, but the eyes. I'm no photographer, but I take more pictures than I can even comprehend and I earn a living with a camera in hand - so it's about time I looked after my eyes. While the camera captures the moment, it’s the eyes that find the winning shot. It therefore makes sense that you care for your eyes just as you would any other part of your body - if you were a footballer, you'd take care of your legs, so why should creative minds be any different? Eye-care often gets neglected in favour of other more discussed areas of healthcare, it seems like our eyes are something that are rarely ever mentioned. I'm blind as a bat to put it bluntly. I've worn glasses for the last 15 years, had an eyepatch, tried to get laser and was told to come back in 10 years when the technology had progressed. My eyes are so important, is it any wonder I'm more conscious now of taking care of them: I'm no expert, but here are my tips to protect and rejuvenate your eyes when working with cameras or in the long editing hours.
Saturday, 10 June 2017
A Fathers Day He Won't Forget | TESCO TANNOY TAKEOVER
With Fathers Day fast approaching, this year, I wanted to do something special. Fathers Day is the forgotten holiday; although not long after Mothers Day, it's the holiday we often overlooked, the one often accompanied by a quick dash to the local supermarket for a card and a pair of novelty socks the night before. For my own dad, our Fathers Day tradition of a box of Jaffa Cakes and a Mug has always been just enough, but as my first year as a parent myself, I can now truly appreciate everything he has done for me, and want to let him know this. With my new found respect, I wanted to do something a special: this year, I took part in the Tesco Tannoy Takeover to let my dad know exactly how much he means to me.
Tuesday, 6 June 2017
Monday: The Non-Existent Day Of Dieting, Organisation and Accomplishment
The month of May has been a lost one, for more reasons than one. We've been living in a never ending cycle of sickness bugs, infections, and the mundane reality of the return to work. Between the three of us, we've caught more colds than I can count on one hand, had a bout of tonsillitis, a bad case of man flu, one chest infection and the littlest is now currently fighting off Bronchiolitis. We're all sick, and it feels like we have been forever. Couple this with my return to work, and is it any wonder my blog has taken a back seat? Since returning to work, I've put pressure on myself to keep up with a blog, with my online persona and the life I had began to love on the internet. I put so much pressure on myself that my blog lost the very essence of what it started out as. A way to document the ordinary moments. I found myself caught up in comparisons, in procrastination and the fear of posting anything that might not be 'good enough'. I've lost count of the number of times I've said 'I'll get organised on Monday', and with every passing Monday that lacks the momentus change in my attitude and ability to organise my life, I become more and more disheartened.
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